Lists are something you love? You like to always know what to do next? Ticking off finished work makes you happy? Then Bullet Journaling is the right thing for you! You don’t know how to do a Bullet Journal? No problem! I explain it to you!
Being busy does not always mean being productive. I’m sure you know these days where you are running around all the day because of different stuff you have to do. But at the end of the day only a few things are finished and you ask yourself where the time has gone.
Ryder Carroll has developed a system which goal it is to always be productive. It is about structuring your chaos. This system is the Bullet Journal and has become very popular in the last years. You already can find many videos and pictures about different Bullet Journals people have done.
What do I need?
The most important things are a notebook with blank pages and something to write. If you either take a pencil, a felt pen, a rollerball or something else doesn’t really matter.
How does it work?
Overview is key! Therefore at the beginning you have to leave space for the index. Maybe the first 2 pages. After that there’s the place for the calendar about the year. After that you do a month-calendar. You always need to leave enough space to be able to make notes afterwards. For the month calendar it would be ideal to do the month and his weekdays (so the data) on the left side and leave the right side blank for notes you can add later. After that you can do a overview for the week and the weekdays extra or you or you only use the weekdays itself.
As you already recognize it’s a very dynamic system! You have to develop it yourself so it fits to your use. If it’s so complex that it doesn’t help you because you need so much time on doing it then you are doing it wrong for your case.
So let’s get back to the index. The index is for you to easy find the page you are searching for. Here you write down on which page there’s the overview about the year, on which page there’s the overview about for example march. That makes it easy for you to find what you are searching for! If you like to do shopping lists for every week that’s no problem. So after each week overview you insert a page on which you ca write down the shopping list. So if the next week overview is a few pages later because you inserted special lists in between that’s no problem because you write down the page number on the index AFTER you created it 😉
If you search in the net for Bullet Journal you will find a lot of creations which include little amazing artworks. There are many people who are customizing their Bullet Journal by artworks. Some of the end results are really amazing!
So now you have an idea what a Bullet Journal is about. It’s worth to have a look at individual styles before you start your own! So you maybe already find special lists which would also fit to your needs!
Here is a video about how to do a Bullet Journal *
Here I show you some beautiful examples on how you can do a Bullet Journal *
I hope you enjoyed this article!
♥ Keep on drawing! – Starlene ♥
* these videos are not done by me. You can find them on youtube